Delivery Information
Which delivery services are available to you?
Use our postcode checker to check which services are available to you.
Booking a delivery or collection slot
To reserve an available delivery or collection slot you need to login and then go to the delivery page. If you are a new customer you will need to register.
Local Deliveries
We deliver to addresses on Lismore every Friday. We also deliver to Sailean Bothy and Tirlaggan on the day of arrival for guests staying at those properties. There is no minimum order value or charge for delivery on Lismore.
Mainland (Oban area)
Our mainland delivery service is usually on a Thursday. Our route includes Appin to Connel, Taynuilt and Oban as far as Kilninver. Deliveries are either weekly or fortnightly depending on your postcode. Other, additional delivery dates are occasionally made available to book.
There is a minimum order of £10 for mainland home deliveries.
Mainland delivery charge is £3.95, but free for orders over £50
If we do not deliver to your address but you are close to our delivery route, we are happy to meet you somewhere on our route. Just email us to arrange this.
You can collect your order from the following collection points:
Directly from the farm at Sailean
You can collect most afternoons,so book a slot and come and see us! There is no minimum order value for on farm collection. Please contact us for directions.
Port Appin Ferry Slip
We also have a weekly stop at the Port Appin ferry slip (opposite the Pierhouse Hotel) if you wish to meet us there to collect an order.
We hope to offer other collection points or delivery options for your convenience in the future, so do drop us an email to and let us know where you are and what you wish for!
Deliveries Elsewhere
We do not currently offer a routine courier service for deliveries further afield. Transportation off the island is a little unpredictable to guarantee our frozen produce will reach you in good time and tip-top condition.
However, if you would like to arrange delivery elsewhere in the UK, get in touch at and we will happily work with your courier service!